Sunday 12 June 2011

Bitch! Bitch took my spoon!

Spoons is a dangerous game, not for the faint of heart.

Anyway. Just letting you cool cats and kittens know that I have several SEVERAL comics ready to go which I am going to give to my flatmate so he can scan them at his work and email them to me! What a champ!

I'm also working on writing smutty stories AND working AND I have to fit in time for drinking to excess as well. So busy! Sometimes I even buy groceries.

SEE I do update from time to time even if it's only a somewhat disjointed blogpost with promises and assurances and no material. SOUNDS A LITTLE TOO FAMILIAR DON'T YOU THINK.

You stay classy now -snap point-


  1. Spoons!!!!! Remember these comics drew blood so love the spoons!!!
